Monday, April 6, 2009

Writing in information technology by Robert Hunley

Writing in Information technology is like any other writing. You plan, research, write, review and revise your topic.

When planning you must recognize your audience and their amount of knowledge, especially in IT Reports. One must make sure to define any technical terminology that their reader may not understand to fully build their picture.

When doing research, one should find a solid central starting point from which they can build from to complete their topic and easily work around.

While writing the paper one should make sure not to leave out any information vital to the understanding of their paper.

Depending on your audience have many people review your paper so you can see different people’s views on your paper.

Revise to correct errors and improve your paper

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Robert. I was hoping for some specifics about writing in the IT field, particularly as it relates to the use of jargon. Where is your source? Watch your caps problem in your subject heading and your pronoun referents (one doesn't go with they).
