Monday, April 6, 2009

Writing Advertising Copy (Sally Vale)

Writing Advertising Copy
Catching, and keeping, a reader’s attention, to the point that they are willing and ready to buy or use your product or services, can be tricky. Here I will go over some do’s and don’ts of writing ad copy.
• DO use words for embellishment: the power of dialect should never go underestimated. Words provoke a response in people, so be sure to use words that pop out at a reader.
• DO write a headline that will attract your audience to read the rest of your advertisment.
• DON’T preach to the audience. Write to them as if it’s one-on-one.
• DO use a present or active voice. Past or passive tense should only be used intentionally, and for a specific purpose.
• DON’T use clichés. Chances are, your audience is so used to the cliché that it will leave their mind as soon as they read it.
With those quick points in mind, go out and write your ad copy.
Here is a quick video to help you out, and some sites that have great information on writing effective advertisement copies:

"". AllBusiness. April 6 2009 .


  1. Excellent post and nice video to go along with it. The tip I like is not to preach to your audience. Focus on the person not the product, right??

  2. I really like this post! I loved the video. Very Nice touch. Great Work. This post sets us aside from the other groups.
