Monday, March 30, 2009

Writing in Accounting (Stephen Wickens)

When dealing with accounting people think it is all about the numbers, numbers, numbers. When you are an accountant you must write a number of different business related reports. You must be very inclined inside of the business as you must understand what is going on internally and externally in order to properly report on what is happening with the company. Accountants are responsible for writing internal memos to supervisors, colleagues, to request or provide information, various letters to clients, agencies and other readers, and the also provide technical reports, memos and financial statements regarding the businesses information.

When writing an email or memo, accountants usually use this type of communication inside of the business. They use these to contact other employees to retrieve information about various accounts or problems within the business. Emails and memos can be any length, from one paragraph, too many. It is very important to be clear and concise when writing an email or memo.

Accountants also must write letters to people outside of the company in order to retrieve information or notify others of an important situation that has happened within the business. These letters should contain correct, complete information with a specific reader in mind. There should never be any doubt with the information presented within these letters. These letter are always professional in appearance.

The biggest thing that accountants must write about are the reports in dealing with the financial information inside of the company. This is the most important thing that an accountant is responsible for. These reports are usually presented within the financial statements, which are, the balance sheet, the income statement and the statement of cash flow. These reports are used to analyze the company in order to see if any changes must be made within. Reports are sent along with these financial statements to provide the analysis about the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. The accountant must be very precise as the entire business is run off of the information found on these financial statements.

If you want to learn more about accounting and the writing inside of accounting, you can take a tutorial through this website:
May & May. 2003 "Effective Writing: Handbook for Accountants" March 30, 2009


  1. My boyfriend is an accounting major and could really use this blog! Great job! I'll have to have him come to this website.

  2. I liked how you worked from least important to most important. Nice sample graph and link to a tutorial.

  3. This is a great post. Great Work. Most professionals do not realize how much writing an accountant does. This simple fact is often overlooked. Most individuals only see the numbers behind accounting, not the intellectual exchange and analysis of data to other professionals. I am glad this post is in our blog. I
