Monday, March 30, 2009

Random Tips for Specific Results in a Job Interview

Getting a job is beyond just having great credentials and work experience. The interview itself can make or break the opinion your possible future employer may have of you. I have included a few quick tips that will have you on your way to attaining that job you're going for.

1. Relax. The pre-interview stress can sometimes be too bear and have your thoughts and words all out of wack. Try to show up to the location of the interview at least a few minutes early to give yourself a moment to breathe. If you are not rushing in at the last minute, you will be less likely to be in a panic.

2. Prepare. Be ready with a resume in hand. They are not going to want to waste their time with someone who has not invested the time before the interview themselves.

3. Research. Don't just know the title of the position you are going for, but know the company and what they stands for. Be familiar with goals, objectives, and history of the company. This will let them know you are interested in what they do and how they do it.

4. Dress. No matter what the position you are applying for, dress professional. This will show the interviewer you are to be taken seriously. First impressions have lasting affects.

There are so many more things that need to be considered before going into job interview. If time permits to research and do more preparation, go for it! But, if you are in last minute crunch, follow these few tips and you will be on your way to a new job!

Random Humor: You might be a redneck if the interviewer asks "Did you know we're a fortune 500 company?" And you answer "what track do ya'll sponsor that race at? I ain't never been to that one!"

Find more humor and fun at


  1. I love your redneck joke at the end. Next time put the whole link in so your readers can just click on it and it will take you there.
    Remember to cite your source for the interview tips and include a visual and cite that.
    I like the red highlights for the 4 tips.

  2. I cannot stress how important it is to be prepared for an interview. "To do your homework," is of the utmost importance when interviewing for a position. I serve on the athletic director search committee and I can say I have learned a lot about the hiring process. This component is one of the most important components of an interview.
