Monday, March 30, 2009

Tips for Writing Effective Meeting Minutes (Sally Vale)

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So you have to take down the meeting minutes…

Instead of going in to the meeting with a pen and a piece of paper intending to just write furiously everything everyone says, be proactive. There are steps you can take to avoid having to say,

“Excuse me, could you repeat that?”


“Um, what’s your name again?”

First off, you’re going to need to present a list of the attendees at the meeting. Instead of giving a roll call, familiarize yourself with the people who will be at the meeting, and check off their names as they enter. If you are in a position where you can’t necessarily get to know everyone who will be at the meeting (you’re meeting new colleagues, meeting with a business you don’t know all too much about), pass around a sheet of paper with the attendees names on it, and ask them to sign next to their names so you’ll know who was present. Either way, at the beginning of the meeting you should familiarize faces with names so you will have no confusion over who said what.

So now we should discuss taking down the notes at the meeting. To make things easier on yourself, take the initiative to study the agenda before attending the meeting. Outline the meeting on a sheet of paper and jot down the minutes in their appropriate categories. This will make the organization process after you take the minutes much easier.

For more tips on taking meeting minutes, check out:

"Meeting Wizard". Codence Innovations Corporation. March 30 2009 .


  1. Very useful information. Easy to follow understand

  2. Awesome job on this subject, Sally. Thanks for the link and the citation!! Just remember it is our blog, not your blog...haha...
