Monday, March 23, 2009

Internal Corporate Blogging (Sally Vale)

Internal Corporate Blogging

With the increasing demands of daily life, many companies are using the internet as a tool for successful communication. Aside from e-mails and instant messaging, companies, or members of a group within a company, can create blogs in order to produce communication that would have otherwise occurred in person.

Some benefits of corporate blogging are:

-It provides an open area where coworkers can discuss issues relating to their work.

-It reduces the need for face-to-face interaction, giving bloggers more time to focus on other aspects of their work.

-Unlike telephone calls and face-to-face interaction, blogging does not require an immediate response, allowing bloggers to plan out the most efficient way for them to communicate their point.

-It provides a trackable dialogue between several coworkers simultaneously, unlike e-mail, which can only be trackable between two people at a time.

When brainstorming what topics to go over in your corporate blog, just think of the conversations that might occur between you and your coworkers in the office. For example, blogging is a great way to talk about new equipment, to log activity on a project, or to share your experiences in aspects of the company that may be new to some of your fellow coworkers.

As with any interaction in the corporate world, be sure to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. While blogging, keep in mind who has accessibility to your blog. Make sure to write in a friendly, easy to understand manner that will invite others to respond to, or make inquiries about, your posts. While maintaining a professional tone in your blogs is always important, do keep in mind that the internal corporate blog is simply a text-based conversation. Approach your blogs the way you would approach a face-to-face meeting with your peers: in a relaxed, easygoing, and understanding manner.

For more information on internal corporate blogging, check out


  1. Looks very well written, but I am wondering if it is too long because most blogs are around 100 words long and this one is well above that.

  2. Sally

    This is a great blog on corporate blogging, it discusses the benefits of having blogs inside corporations. This is a very important aspect and you did an excellent job of explaining what happens inside the offices of a corporations.

  3. Well Said, focus's on some key aspects of corporate blogging

  4. I am so glad you wrote about internal corporate blogging. It is like a discussion forum for company employees.
    What we are doing is an external corporate blog, a place for anyone who needs our professional writing services to go and post comments on what we offer. We seem to be offering lots here on this blog in the first week!!
